Solidblocks RDS

Being a freelance consultant for some time now, I find myself frequently coming back to one of my older posts on how to run a PostgreSQL database in the cloud, where the cloud is not one of the big ones that already offer a dedicated managed database service. Although for example AWS RDS is an excellent and stable service, it can sometimes be a little too much (and to pricey as well).

For the re-occurring tasks of my daily work (and maintaining databases is definitely one of them) I invested some time to create a tested, easy to configure and/or reusable version of that particular task. The collection is called Solidblocks, its documentation can be found here

This particular post highlights an easy to use PostgreSQL docker container, that fits the need for a quick to deploy PostgreSQL database with an adequate backup solution for data safety. You can read the documentation with all the nitty-gritty details, here a quick walk-through to give you an impression:

Start the database

mkdir postgres_{data,backup} && sudo chown 10000:10000 postgres_{data,backup}

docker run \
    --name instance1 \
    -e DB_INSTANCE_NAME=instance1 \
    -e DB_DATABASE_db1=database1 \
    -e DB_USERNAME_db1=user1 \
    -e DB_PASSWORD_db1=password1 \
    -e DB_BACKUP_LOCAL=1 \
    -v "$(pwd)/postgres_backup:/storage/backup" \
    -v "$(pwd)/postgres_data:/storage/data" \

Trigger a full backup

docker exec instance1 /rds/bin/

Stop database and remove data dir

docker rm --force instance1
sudo rm -rf postgres_data
mkdir postgres_data && sudo chown 10000:10000 postgres_data

Start database again It will recover from the latest available backup

docker run \
    --name instance1 \
    -e DB_INSTANCE_NAME=instance1 \
    -e DB_DATABASE_db1=database1 \
    -e DB_USERNAME_db1=user1 \
    -e DB_PASSWORD_db1=password1 \
    -e DB_BACKUP_LOCAL=1 \
    -v "$(pwd)/postgres_backup:/storage/backup" \
    -v "$(pwd)/postgres_data:/storage/data" \
Let's work together!