Infrastructure testing with Solidblocks

As time goes by and a project grows, ideas and concepts that initially seemed like good and pragmatic solutions can sometimes deteriorate into a convoluted mess. Recently, implementing a small feature in the Solidblocks infrastructure suite went from a pleasant Friday afternoon coding session to an integration testing nightmare, caused by an overabundance of infrastructure testing approaches.

This post will highlight the different approaches and offer a streamlined solution that will work indefinitely (until it doesn’t :-)).

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Providing test fixtures in Gradle projects

Providing test utility classes or test fixtures for other projects in Gradle environments can be an annoying and cumbersome endeavor. Often the solutions involve the creation of extra projects to provide the needed testing functionality for other modules or projects, or include manipulation of Gradle source sets and configurations. This post shows how to achieve this using functionality that is already included in Gradle and Junit.

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jvm  gradle  test